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Enthusiastic Experience

To Change Ingrained Mental Habits

Passion that leads to commitment also tends to lead to enthusiasm. Emotional involvement with any learning enhances that learning. Highly emotional experiences maintain in working memory and transfer much more quickly to permanent memory.

Enthusiasm is both a motivation and a reward when pursuing any passion. It can serve as a dampener for unsatisfying occurrences and as yet unanswered arguments. There is a fear of ‘obsession’ that seems to be common in our culture due to extreme cases in the media and fiction. A temporary obsession with creating new habits of mental enhancement may be necessary to establish strength of circuitry to become the ‘go to’ reaction in appropriate circumstances. As in The Byler Ratchet, begin integrating the next step while shifting from temporary obsession to an automatic response supported by previous and new habits

Enthusiasm generates its own positive attitude and benefits known to flow from that state of being. Confidence in eventual success, enjoyment of exploration and learning process, minimized view of obstacles, optimistic expectations, anticipation of accomplishment, loving what we are doing, and more helps outgrow stunted ingrained mental habits

Being drawn toward the next or continuing challenge and accomplishment is often more successful than willpower alone. Many people have a survival instinct that sets them automatically against bullying even from within. "I can’t wait." is more personally sustainable for many of us than "I have to or else." A gauged challenge is often more of a draw than an ultimatum for this reason alone. Enthusiasm does these things.

Enthusiasm creates a positive expectation of the next discovery and integration of the next skill set. This anticipation awakens curiosity and a tendency to ask questions. As questions are answered and the answers put into practice and with developing success a feedback loop is established that reinforces enthusiasm and aids in sustainability of commitment and passion.

When a major growth of mind building is taking place, many deeply ingrained and inter locking habits are being changed or replaced requiring every bit of help we can produce for ourselves. Active experience is the best teacher so interactive groups with similar goals getting together for the specific purpose is great if it can be arranged. The Arts have been the cultural stable for propagating complex interactive standards and ideals for thousands of years (for good or for bad) because they are the uniquely human effective means of doing so. Every means and all media can be used to speed the extent and the permanence of the mental circuitry needed to build new mental capacity.

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