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Abundance The Future is Better Than You Think
Peter H. Diamandis - Steven Kotler You can live your life with less fear, create abundance in your life, and make your dreams come true by tapping the most brilliant minds. Abundance will show you how!
Brendon Burchard I recomend this book to anyone with hopes of doing something with the accumulated value of their life!
John Brockman, Organizer To arrive at the edge of the world's knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves.
FLOW; The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi It isn't his explicit focus, but this is a cource about mastery.
Free Play; Improvisation in Life and Art
Stephen Nachmanovitch Here is a book revealing how it is really done.
the future of ideas; the fate of the commons in a connected world
Lawrence Lessig Lawrence cleared one of the largest obstical to my vision of massively integrated and benevolently useful information of every kind.
Give and Take
Adam Grant I believe it is possible to be a gental and benevolent creator of wealth and lately I am beginning to see that I am in good company.
HOW; Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything
Dov Seidman Dov Seidman explains that in our transparent world companies that behave better also perform better
KUVO, The Jazz Oasis
A great and talented group of unique individuals and local companies, staff, volunteers, and members of the public keep this station improving constantly. Jazz is one of the worlds great examples and demonstrations of improvisation and KUVO/KVJZ is fantastic jazz radio streaming on line and educational as a bonus.
Little Bets; How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries
Peter Sims Support for the Temenos practice of listening with respect to ideas. Consideration is not very expensive if even a few ideas or combinations are encouraged and fruitful
Making a Good Brain Great
Daniel G. Amens This and a long list of other books he has written will improve the function of your brain with the improvement of the care taken of it.
Mind at Light Speed
David D. Nolte I have a few dissagreements but there is a lot of good information well presented.
Outliers; The Story of Success
Malcolm Gladwell Cultural legacies matter. Let's be sure they are of our best quality and prolific.
Play; How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul
Stuart Brown, MD., with Christopher Vaughan founder of the National Institute for Play Many people who are successful in a creative endevour understand the importance of play. It would be helpful if everyone could revive their most enthusiastic playfulness.
The Power of Habits
Charles Duhigg I don't like the word power in social contexts or for internal mental use, but to improve ourselves and the world, we all need to replace some very ingrained habits with better ones. (Language usage for instance)
The Power of Pull
John Hagel III - John Seely Brown - Lang Davidson A lot of valuable information and insight, but they use the lnguage of power (push) to explain the use of natural atraction, aspiration, and reciprocity.
Charles D. Quigley For specific visual examples of Integration, Thinking in Principle, The Art of Questioning, and The Byler Ratchet.
Quiet; The power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Susan Cain For those who have been sucked in by the majority opinion that only extroverts make the world go around.
Social Intelligence; The Revolutionary New Science of Human Relationships
Daniel Goleman O.Oprah Magazine concisly states the value I find in this book. "We are hardwired to connect, we are programmed for kindness, and we can use our social intelligence to make the world a better place."
The Speed of Trust
Stephen M.R. Covey The degree of trust is a key element in the ensemble of principles that support benevolent social interaction.
Ideas Worth Spreading Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world
Thinking Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahneman MD We have to know our weaknesses as well as our strengths in order to create the best minds possible for our selves and generations to come. Daniel Kahnemam is working long and hard in both areas in great detail and on a world scale.
Think Smart; A Neuroscientist's Prescription for Improving Your Brain's Performance
Richard Restk, MD Keep our brains developing through proven continuous exercise.
This Will Make You Smarter; New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
John Brockman There are never only two sides to any question. Considered opinions, whether you agree or not, will set your mind to work. An opportunity to discover you are wrong about something before your life continues can be an invaluable occurance.
The Tipping Point
Malcolm Gladwell More insight into emergent dynamics like the 'butterfly effect,' 'the trim tab effect,' 'epidimics,' 'going viral,' avelanches, etc. as applied to modern human cutural interaction.
A Whole New Mind; Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
Daniel H. Pink A lot of evidence for my conviction that left brainers are valuable for their integrativ skills.
Why We Make Mistakes; How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We are Way Above Average
Joseph T. Hallinan We Can't improve without figuring out why we mess up. Here are some great insights.
Just one of many great examples of large numbers of people who care about the curiosity and well being of others beyond their own income.

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