Your Existence Matters


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Picture yourself as a point of illumination in the social milieu of the world.

Everything you do to improve society increases the illumination of that part of society whether it is a tiny boost to nurture any single person's life or an extensive insightful production, massively leveraged on the internet and other media. Even the tiniest illumination imparted on one other person may become a part of them and brighten the lives of everyone they interact with, exponentially multiplying that one effort on your part enormously. It doesn't stop there. The nature of culture is to propagate anything useful, or sometimes only apparently useful to everyone who is interested. Each person that is interested in the content or results of your effort may make it a part of themselves which by example or by their effort passes it on in another radiating pattern and so on with each of those radiating to those who are interested. It can be a viral explosion of small positive illuminations. The sum total of positive influence over extended periods of time is tremendous.

I have an amazing and unexpected personal example of that viral propagation. I have never been an 'eight hour a day' type of person. I have a ridiculous number of interests and projects. If I am awake I am playing with something or researching it. I am also a bit 'laid back' in some ways. I have never been fanatic about times and dates. I have, as much as possible designed my life style around making my time as free and as flexible as possible. Although I keep track of when I have made a time commitment, I otherwise pay little attention to time. I love the experience of flow. One aspect of flow is that your attention is so complete that time just disappears. It is a lot like just one extended totally absorbing present.

While still in the Navy in the mid sixties, I began to say "Have a good One" on parting company in place of saying 'have a good day, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening. I liked the more positive sentiment rather than just plain goodbye, but I often didn't have any idea what time it was (nor did I usually care) short of figuring it out or looking at a clock. I also liked the flexibility it offered the person. I was encouraging them to have a good whatever they intended to do. A good time, good effort, good meal, good meeting, any intention they have is what I want them to enjoy. I continued saying 'Have a good one.' during many years as a student at the University of Colorado and many years of being self employed. Only friends and family ever said it to me.

In 2009, someone I didn't know said it to me. Now, in 2011, someone says 'Have a good one' to me almost everywhere I go. It may be just here in Colorado, but I doubt it. I am probably not the only one to originate that salutation and it is no big deal, but normally your actions are not traceable. It does illustrate how everything we do radiates and propagates out from us. I consider it an encouragement to create beneficial contributions to humanity. Each contribution goes forth and multiplies exponentially. Karma? Do good things. The same mechanics and math operate whether negative or positive. STAY POSITIVE!

An addendum: In early 2013 a support emploee of an internet software company in the Philippines said,"Have a good one!" to me just prior to hanging up.

Continually improve your choices and pass them on with intentional leverage. Exponentially increase the leverage described above with marketing of your insights and expertise on a massive scale and the total nurturing influence to your culture and even the world can be astounding. I expect that the more good people in the world, the more bad people draw attention to who they are in comparison.

I think I will try to start another viral departure salutation.

Be a Good One!

This means more than the very old and wonderful admonition to "be good." It is in the above context and also means be an illuminating good influence.

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