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Key Concept Usage
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Key Concept Usage


Please notice that I adjust the meanings of some key concepts in my thinking/writing to facilitate integration around fairness and benevolence while dropping the connotations of power seeking as desirable. For this reason I will discuss concepts that I use in a particular way and begin to explain why. This is why I offer the previous list for your consideration. This intro to 'KEY CONCEPT USAGE' is first on the list.

Half a century of exploring the functional processes of both the creative mind and the more normal limited, or boxed in mind has led me to recognize many sources of creative limitations. Language itself has evolved to discourage and blind our minds to their own astounding capacities. The focus necessary in the early stages of most learning processes is adopted as an end in itself. This and many other forms of 'closure' pull an unnoticed curtain, making us unaware that we are stunting the natural integrative capacities of our minds. Thousands of these mutually reinforcing 'traps' supported by everyday language and assumptions have been propagated and made more sophisticated for several thousand years.

I have discovered, over the years that a complex ensemble of power concepts still inundates our languages due to their origination within the tyrannical birthing of civilizations. The evolution of our very basic thinking tools guarantee inhibition of curiosity and creation of conflict among other things. Extensive connotations (assumptions) are insidiously (invisibly) included within almost every concept/word in our languages from their early development for mind control and enslavement in civilized tyrannies.

The interlocking linguistic support system of tyrannical and subservient rationalization is not generally recognized. It is far more complex than recognition alone can sort out. I have been working to understand how this unethical undertow functions for many years. How do we shift from the power-mongering mindset, that we only partially propagate unwittingly, to a more benevolent and fair-minded social framework. This question, due to its effective creative blocks, has been nearly all consuming for me since the mid 1960s. The mind's creative process turns out to be one of the keys to understanding and beginning to remedy the disruption of our potentially amazing minds.

The mind has been shown to have the capacity to begin healing itself even at ages past ninety.

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