Temenos Nexus, LLC.

The Cooperation Model


The Cooperation Model

A New Model for Social Interaction


We are at least 200 years overdue for a significant paradigm shift. Here in the United States we have been given a rare opportunity in the history of mankind. In cases like that the necessary mandate is to work tenaciously and discover how to evolve that opportunity into a new mental construct that will support the ideals of a free and benevolent society. Having a violent revolution may have been necessary to give us that opportunity, but we must evolve beyond the tools of anti-social thought and create a norm that uses tools that function with universal fairness within the benevolent elements of mankind.

We must strip our very languages of the pervasive connotations and denotations that power by force and intimidation and their derivatives are socially acceptable. We cannot think clearly with the distorted language created to mold our minds for subjugation. The conquerors and tyrants of history were not heroes. They were the original terrorists! The heroic stories of despots were fabricated by them, written in stone, and enforced under penalty of torture and death. They can no longer con us. In some parts of the world we have enough freedom to mature into the humanity we are capable of being.

Starting with ourselves individually we can create a system of habitual thought and appropriate actions based on fairness that allows cooperation. I suspect that in an environment of bullying and deception a pattern of fairness will attract customers and become very competitive. I envision a grass roots movement for fairness. In these days of Internet interaction of individuals in increasing degrees of victimization there is potential for fairness and cooperation going viral.

The Cooperation Model cannot be just the same old good intentions using the vocabulary and concepts of power against power. By using tools of integrative thought we can emerge from the ancient tunnel vision and create patterns of thought that see beyond the linear mind traps. Many key ideas have been within the human mental vocabulary for longer than civilization but have often been co-opted and distorted for power. We can clean them up.

The amazing research done in neuroscience, psychology, physiology and many other areas in the last couple of decades provides tremendous insight into how a new self mind building process can evolve much more benevolent and stable patterns of thought. I have integrated many possible ideas over the decades, some tried and true, some adjusted, and others creative and new.

I will place many of my observations and ideas in creative commons and hope that temenos Nexus, LLC. will become a focal area for the evolution of better socially benevolent minds for the future. I will of course also create products for sale. Nothing survives and prospers without resources.

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