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Fairness Attracts Fairness
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In a traditional bullying business environment fairness attracts the oppressed like gravity.
Ease of doing business and the predictability of a good outcome that result from fair-minded
exchange of any kind is an inviting prospect. Contrasted with the wary and nervous approach
necessary in most circumstances, dependable expectations of fair treatment is a fantastic
relief and a joy.
There is a degree of simplicity and comfort possible with an open and trusting relationship
that permits far less expense applied toward multifaceted self protection. A onetime
development of the criteria and standards for fairness can be mutually agreed to. It is
tested with every communication, project, and exchange and carefully expanded and made
more sophisticated. Respect and trust emerges with growing preference and expectation of
By removing the centuries old mistakes that have been propagated in cultures worldwide we
can approach the potential leverages that cooperative social interaction can achieve.
Fortunately the nature of our minds allows us to make significant repairs if we choose and
are enthusiastically committed. The first step is to open up the artificial truncations that
create the 'BOX' that many of us are vaguely aware of. Even looking outside the box begins
to allow us to have less restricted more integrated non-linear insight into fairness and
social leverages now obscured from our view. It is no longer necessary to continue to
repeat the continuous conflict of past centuries.
Fairness is one of the most important keys to create the openness within our minds that
allows curiosity, exploration, integrative thought, creativity, innovation... Every excuse
for unfairness starts an expanding pattern of self deception and distortion that must be
truncated in some way to avoid getting out of control and being discovered. This
continually expands the subjects that must be avoided or blocked off in our minds. The
traps used for evading these expanding subjects are more common and extensive than we are
at first able to accept.
It will be too scary to concentrate exclusively on this unfairness category of mental
truncation so we will explore several 'BOX' opening areas a little bit at a time. To start
getting used to making our mental integration processes explicit we will demonstrate how
these various tools reinforce each other in many ways. Hypertext allows us to follow our
integrated processes for the first time in history. This website will begin to demonstrate
The internet has already made you familiar with linking as a means of quickly relating
multiple information sources. We will use this linking as part of the presentation that
integrates the relationships among the concepts mentioned above into an ensemble of
interdependent ideas centered on the idea of fairness.
The gradual development of integrated structure within my presentation will allow you to
take a break to explore other possibilities "outside the BOX" Return whenever your comfort
zone expands and allows curiosity and further playful exploration. Integration involves
many ways of structuring information exploration other than rigid linear progression.
Explore and play with as many as you like.
Ivory tower exploration is fraught with hazards. It is far better to maintain reality
contact with all of this mental exercise. One way to achieve this is to find one or a
few like minded individuals in the area or on the internet and explore and discover the
rest of our minds together. Exploration should be kept exciting and enjoyable as much
as possible. Challenging us helps maintain interest, but a balance that stretches your
comfort zone yet does not intimidate beyond our ability to be excited with discoveries
and insights of how to dissolve inevitable conflicts. Notice that the word dissolve was
used in place of the traditional word resolve.
Even though we must start with the only person we have or should have any control over
to discover and develop our unexplored mental recesses the purpose is ultimately social. Many of the unfair practices that disrupt social interaction also are habits of thought
that disrupt within each of our minds. Mutual support and enthusiasm integrates and puts
into practice on multiple levels the principles and practices developed to operate a
benevolent team effort. Honesty with oneself is a necessary ability to develop in order
to be honest with others. Openness within ones own mind allows the possibility of openness
with others. You cannot trust others unless you can trust yourself. Being nice to oneself
is the foundation for understanding and feeling benevolence generally. Insufficient
development of the preceding abilities inhibits the natural ability to integrate in many
ways. Open comparison in a team effort is not initially easy and usually not even possible
if those involved have not started to commit also, or are at least experimenting with
refining the above abilities.
Developing these abilities is counterintuitive in many respects due to ancient adversarial
cultural habits.
As methods and exercises are used to enhance the above abilities mutual appreciation will
emerge roughly correlating with success. Fairness attracts fairness and the expansion of
these initial explorations into more sophisticated integration and creative projects will
increase mutual trust and inclination toward social interaction.
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