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What is the 'BOX' that we think in?
Linear Tunnel Vision!
The 'BOX' is so pervasively unquestioned in almost all cultures that it
may disturb you to identify it.
Over the years I have struggled with the recognition that humanity's
most valuable social asset, culture, was long ago subverted as a means of
stunting development of our most high functioning mental capacities in
the service of conquest. In day to day life the propagation of this
tenacious subversion is innocent, invisible, and exudes honest conviction.
The understandable conviction stems from the necessity of mastering the
ability to purposely focus when learning something new. This vital ability
to focus our mind establishes some of the initial structural circuitry for
the control of our minds. For millennia self control of the mind was not
a permissible alternative. The residue from this early suppression is "The Box."
Now It Is!
Many years of exploring insights from many sources and filling
in some missing elements has allowed me to create an embryonic scenario of
a new open evolving system of knowledge integration. Think 'beyond
linear' It includes tools, methodologies, information storage and
retrieval, trap identification, clues to recognition of enhancing and
impairing patterns of thought and much more. The mind has astounding
capacities for self correction and repair.
The above mentioned ability to focus (separate specific information while
ignoring all other input) is only one of the many capacities of our minds.
Extremely long chains of relationships may be recognized and understood using
just this simple structural pattern. These kinds of patterns are common in
nature. Causality chains and time sequences are some examples of naturally
occurring patterns of serial recognition structures (understanding). Using
just a few patterns of thought we can think we know a lot about the world we
live in and that is true. But our minds can and do far surpass the
linear patterns of thought which form the structural patterns of the 'BOX.'
The dark side is the origination of nearly all 'civilized' cultures in
the occurring, conquest, and domestication of civilian
subjects. There are fundamental unquestioned residues of these
conquest and mental domestication processes constraining the potential of
our minds. The continuation of these culturally propagated restrictive
residues is the source of the 'BOX.' They are self imposed through
misunderstanding and unquestioned acceptance. The natural functionality of
our minds is not the limiting factor! Ancient cultural mind control is.
One simple pattern of mental structure that naturally occurs in the
development of our minds is dividing/separation patterns. Combining
serial and dividing patterns can result in what we call hierarchies.
Hierarchies also are pervasive throughout the universe. Here is where
the construction of the 'BOX' began. It seems safe to speculate that
'BOX' formation was well underway long before civilization systematized
it's development and maintenance. Tyrants discovered that by forcibly
closing hierarchies both physically and mentally they could truncate
further sophisticated mental and cultural development. They could
structure the minds of their subjects in a form of acute tunnel vision.
They could direct all of life's irresistible natural motivations to the
service of themselves and their closed power hierarchies.
In contemporary times the mental truncations occur when the vital
focusing (life's irresistible and exclusion) skill sets are
still assumed to be the end of the development process. Authoritative
and emphatic closure habits results in linear and/or closed hierarchical
patterns of thought. This still produces tunnel vision! We don't know
that we don't know about the mountain surrounding the tunnel we see and
the universe beyond our closed patterns/tunnels of thought. This is only
one small part of the "BOX."
Discover the rest of your mind. Over years of exploring and
collecting the insights of others who question, I have also accumulated
fairly extensive original insights, concepts, processes, and systems that
can advance our innate mental leveraging potential. By facilitating our
natural integrative thought processes I envision offering everyone a mutual
boost. Remember, the mind has astounding capacities for self correction and
I would like to invite interaction with others having similar
interests. I plan on both open sharing and monetizing
what I have learned in order to finance continued exploration.
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